A career planning and employment resource for people who are blind or partially sighted


Below are profiles of organizations, programs, services and useful websites from around the world. Don't hesitate to try resources from other countries; they may be of benefit to you even though they aren't specific to where you live. 

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Programs and Services: Canada

  • CNIB

    CNIB provides community-based support, education, advocacy for Canadians who are blind or partially sighted. CNIB offers a range of services, including personalized rehabilitation support—in one’s home, community or at a local CNIB office—as well as emotional and wellness support. As part of CNIB’s Employment Services program, employment counselors can help with career planning, job search, job retraining and workplace accommodations. Visit your province or territory’s section of the site to see what specific employment services are available in your community.

    In partnership with AFB, CNIB offers Career Connect Canada, a free resource that connects job seekers with mentors who also have vision loss.

    CNIB physical and online store provides assistive products that help with all aspects of daily life. The CNIB library offers books, magazines and newspapers in various accessible formats.

    A comprehensive mix of information, education, tools and resources, the website provides a dedicated section on Independent Living, offering tips and advice on how to keep enjoying everyday activities and stay safe doing so. The site helps people stay connected and informed through such resources as a blog, podcast and e-newsletter. It also educates readers on various eye conditions and offers an “ask the expert” section.

    Keywords: Canada, independent living, radio, podcast, online learning, library, workplace accommodations, employment services

  • Workplace Essential Skills Partnership (WESP)

    Canadian Council on Rehabilitation and Work

    The program, funded by Employment Ontario, gives participants tools to be competitive in the job market and the confidence to become employed. Its varied offerings include: job searching tips, resume and cover letter writing, career development sessions, interview techniques and connecting with employers. WESP also helps employers find, recruit and pre-screen qualified candidates.

    Keywords: Ontario, training, mentors, career preparation, job seeking/search skills, finding job leads, interview preparation/follow-up, career advancement, workplace accommodations

  • The Complete Guide to Making Websites Accessible

    Yoyo Design developed this in-depth online resource detailing website accessibility guidelines to improve the user experience of people with different disabilities.

    Keywords: Internet accessibility, online access, website access for people with visual impairments

  • Canada Pension Plan Disability Vocational Rehabilitation Program

    Service Canada

    Provides vocational counselling, financial support for training, and job search services to recipients of Canada Pension Plan Disability Benefits, with the aim of helping them return to work. Services include: one-on-one guidance, developing a return-to-work rehabilitation plan, improving skills, retraining and prepping for employment.

    Keywords: Canada, mentoring, career counselling, grants, training, career advancement, job maintenance

  • Service Canada

    Job site for Canadians looking for work in all areas. The website offers job tools, career planning, a resume builder, job bank, labour market research, as well as some specific services for people with disabilities, such as employment support. 

    Keywords: Canada, directory, training, grants

  • Ability Edge

    Career Edge

    A Canadian program that connects graduates with disabilities access to meaningful, six to 12-month paid internship work opportunities within the private, public and non-for-profit sector. The aim is to ensure, once the internship is complete, prospects have the confidence and valuable real-world business experience to pursue their career.

    Keywords: Canada, directory, training, internship opportunity, career preparation

  • WORKink

    Canadian Council on Rehabilitation and Work

    An online career development and employment portal for Canadians with disabilities, it provides job search tools, career guidance and resources related to education and employment. It also offers some free programs to help job seekers build up their skills and capacity. Workplace Essential Skills Partnership (WESP), is a four-week program, Partners for Workplace Inclusion Program (PWIP) enhances employability skills and Youth the Future is focused on carving successful education and career paths

    Keywords: Canada, education resources, employment resources, job search, training, education

  • Ontario Disability Support Program: Employment Supports

    Ontario Government: Ministry of Community and Social Services

    Run by the Ministry of Community and Social Services, ODSP Employment Supports provides diverse employment services to Ontarians with all types of disabilities at the local level. These include help finding a job, job coaching and interviewing skills, transportation and mobility services, assistive devices and training, and assistance setting up a small business. The application package can be found on the website. Medical documentation of a disability is required, though this is waived for Ontarians who are legally blind and who are registered with the CNIB.


    Keywords: Ontario, employment counseling, training, grants, interview preparation, training, self-employment support

  • Canadian Council on Rehabilitation and Work

    Dedicated to promoting and supporting equitable employment of persons with disabilities, the network offers a range of programs and services including WORKink® an online career development and employment portal, and the Partners for Workplace Inclusion Program (PWIP), providing job seekers with tools to prepare for a career or secure employment. The organization also provides accessibility solutions and disability awareness training and tools to develop a diversity plan for companies.

    Keywords: Canada, finding job leads, interview preparation, job seeking/search skills, finding job leads, career advancement, workplace accommodations, employment counselling, training, grants

  • JOIN, Job Opportunity Information Network

    A network of 22 community agencies in Toronto who assist Persons with Disabilities to find and maintain employment. They also assist employers in finding qualified candidates to meet their hiring needs. Offers mentoring events, job fairs with reputable employers, and employer conferences.​

    Keywords: Toronto, job seekers, employers, service providers, mentorship

  • Balance for Blind Adults

    Offers a range of services including income support, employment accommodations, language programs, adaptive technology support, recreation and health facilities. Services are only available to those living in Toronto, Ontario.

    Keywords: Toronto, Ontario, sports and recreation, training, online learning, workplace accommodation

  • Online Abilities Project

    A Canadian service that partners with corporate organizations to place skilled candidates in employment related to their fields. Typically offered free for employers, who may also be eligible for a wage subsidy, the program provides the opportunity for individuals to apply their skills in the workplace. The Online Abilities program also offers a range of job support services, such as, resume preparation, career planning, job coaching, self-employment information and advice, workshops, training and guiding employers through workplace accommodations.

    Keywords: Canada, grants, training, workplace accommodations, resume preparation, job coaching, employer resources, job seeking/search skills

  • Link Up Employment Services for Persons with Disabilities

    An employment services agency for job seekers with disabilities that offers a comprehensive list of services, including assessments, career guidance and job search support. They also run employment-related workshops and seminars, host presentations by businesses in the community and offer wide access to a variety of self-service employment resources. The organization also help employers in assessing and organizing job accommodations, including modifications to workstations, provision of assistive devices, and job coaching for clients.

    Keywords: Canada, job search skills, self-employment support, assistive devices, workshops, job seekers, workplace accommodation

  • MAB-Mackay Rehabilitation Centre

    A Quebec-based service, working in a collaborative and interdisciplinary fashion, the organization provides specialized and ultra-specialized adaptation, rehabilitation, and social integration services to people with a significant and persistent disability.  The Centre’s clients range and include children and adolescents who are blind or partially sighted. Services offered include visual skills training, assessments, psychosocial support and occupational therapy. Services are offered in French and in English and only to those living in Québec.

    Keywords: Quebec, training, rehabilitation

  • CareerConnect Canada


    A free resource for students and any job seeker looking to explore jobs and network, for employers looking to diversify their workplace and for friends or family members who want to help someone in their career exploration. CareerConnect Canada offers a mentorship program whereby people connect online with individuals who are blind or partially sighted working in their fields. Using their knowledge and first-hand experience, they provide advice, encouragement and networking opportunities and can also help employers learn about accommodations and other ways in which they can diversify their workplace. 

    Keywords: Canada, labour market information, mentor, job/self match, employer concerning, workplace accommodation, training

  • Centre for Independent Living (CILT)

    Promotes the attainment and maintenance of optimum Independent Living of persons with disabilities in Toronto. Provides attendant services (AS), independent living skills training, peer support such as a diner’s club, and information about the Direct Funding program information, where persons with disabilities can become the employers of their own attendants. ​

    Keywords: Toronto, independent living, support,

  • Scarborough Centre for Employment Accessibility

    Toronto District School Board

    Assists Persons with Disabilities prepare and look for employment or self-employment, as well as develop the skills necessary to maintain employment.  Offers frequent workshops on organizing your job search, document creation, resume review, job coaching,  and job fair success tips. Will soon offer a workshop about searching for a job using social networking sites such as Linkedin, Facebook and Twitter. ​

    Keywords: Toronto, social networks, job seekers, self-employment, maintaining employment

  • Employment Services for Clients

    March of Dimes

    Although not all services are free the march of dimes employment service  offers a functional abilities evaluation, vocational assessments, psycho-vocational assessments, labour market surveys. They also offer a success rate of 80% for all people serviced. ​

    Keywords: Toronto, Canada, job seekers, assessments,

  • ARCH Disability Law Centre

    Ontario-based organization that provides legal representation and advice on a number of areas, as they relate to disability, including: accessibility, discrimination, education and employment.

    Keywords: Ontario, legal advice, legal representation, support

  • Institut Nazareth et Louis-Braille (INLB)

    Through twelve rehabilitation centres, the Institut Nazareth offers residents of Montréal, Laval, and the Montérégie region (southwest Quebec) services including vision evaluations, daily life skills training, counseling, assistance with adaptive technology, and career support. Applicants must have their vision loss confirmed by an optometrist or ophthalmologist. The organization also hosts over 6,500 offline documents on vision loss and rehabilitation, along with an online database; several videos; and an online store.

    Keywords: Québec, online store, career counselling, workplace accommodations, disability specific, skills training, training

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Programs and Services:

Outside of Canada

  • Forsythe Center for Employment and Entrepreneurship

    The Hadley School for the Blind’s Forsythe Center for Employment and Entrepreneurship (FCE) is a business and technology initiative designed to assist individuals who are blind or visually impaired in achieving their employment goals or starting or acquiring their own business. FCE courses are designed to improve students’ employability and to enhance business and technology skills for the workplace or self-employment. The FCE provides courses, modules and webinars on current computer and smart phone technology, as well as relevant accounting, legal, marketing, management and communications information specific to the needs and concerns of individuals who are blind or visually impaired. For more information or to enroll, visit www.hadley.edu/FCE or call Student Services at 800-526-9909.

    Keywords: entrepreneur training, self-employment, business skills

  • Fiscal Tigers

    Fiscal Tiger, a United States-based financial management firm, recently published an informative piece, Jobs and Careers Guide for People With Visual Impairments. The Guide includes information about legislation and accommodation requirements in the US, a listing of jobs considered ideal for blind and partially sighted people, and job search tips.

    Keywords: United States, Job Seekers, Visually Impaired, Statistics, workplace accomodation

  • Be My Eyes

    ​Be My Eyes now creates private video support networks for work, school and other membership organizations, giving employees, students and members with vision impairments an added layer of security and support. Ask about Be My Eyes at your workplace!

    Keywords: United States, Job Support, Disabilities

  • Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB)

    Offers a comprehensive range of services and information to help people who are blind or partially sighted live independently. The website’s section on eye health includes information on various eye conditions; its employment section offers job tips and search opportunities. RNIB also runs schools for children, offers courses for adults and produces talking books and a number of magazines for people who are blind or partially sighted, including its member’s magazine, Vision. Among other services, RNIB offers technology support, advice on home safety and managing one’s finances. And for professionals, the organization provides training, consultancy services and practical online support, while offering information for employers too.

    Keywords: UK, job search skills, interview skills, leaving home, starting college, parents, video

  • Vision Australia

    Offers a wide range of services includes help for employers and career seekers, adaptive technology consultancy services, training courses and mobility services. Vision Australia also places a strong emphasis on advocacy and community education through its Speaker’s Network and other offerings. The organization offers audio books, a radio station and other means for communication. And Vision Australia provides orientation and mobility series such as cane training and orientation with guide dogs. They also provide education and training for children and adults

    Keywords: Australia, online learning, online courses, directory, disability specific, skills training, training, continuing education

  • Lighthouse International

    The New York-based organization is dedicated to helping people with low vision enjoy safe, productive and independent lives. Lighthouse runs three unique schools: an integrated preschool, a music school and an adult continuing education school. The organization also publishes informational tip sheets and publications. Lighthouse runs an online and physical store, selling an array of vision-friendly products

    Keywords: United States, continuing education, music, tip sheets, assistive technology store

  • JAN- Job Accommodation Network

    U.S. Department of Labor's Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP)

    A job accommodation resource, consultants offer guidance on workplace accommodations and disability employment issues for the benefit of employers and people with disabilities. Services for employers include consultation on the accommodation process and accommodation ideas. Individuals receive consults on job accommodation ideas, requesting and negotiating accommodations and their rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and related laws.

    Keywords: United States, employment counselling, training, work stations, equipment, workplace accommodation, consultation, podcast, job seekers

  • Action for Blind People

    RNIB – Action for Blind People

    Offers a range of services, including: financial advice and housing support toward living independently; job search, building career skills and support for self-employment; social, sport and activity clubs for kids and emotional support and clinics for those recently diagnosed. They also provide technology training, support and advice, enabling people who are blind or partially sighted to become more independent and have better access to information, while parents have support groups to turn to. An ongoing blog offers personal first-hand accounts of people living with vision loss, the entries both inspiring and educational. The organization also runs a number of projects to help people who are blind or partially sighted, such as, the Concept Conference Centre—a social enterprise that trains and employs people who are blind or partially sighted to work in the kitchen and administration—and Supporting People which provides housing-related support.

    Keywords: UK, sports and recreation, mentors, labour market information, blog, training, self-employment support

  • The CareerConnect Mentor Program

    American Foundation for the Blind

    A database of over one thousand mentors who are blind or partially sighted who work in three hundred job categories. It can be searched by job title, location, or type of assistive technology each professional requires. Users can contact mentors via e-mail after registration. Also includes a large number of stories about individuals who have found meaningful employment.

    Keywords: United States, mentors, success stories

  • Statler Center

    The Statler Center offers job training and placement in two industries: Hospitality and Customer Care. The Hospitality Program is a ten week course with start dates in January, May, and September; the Customer Service program a seven week course with start dates in February, May and September. Both programs are offered through the Olmsted Center for Sight at 1170 Main Street, Buffalo, New York 14209. For informationconcerning tuition or other details, please contact the Statler Center or call 716-888-4526<

    Keywords: hospitality training, customer service training

  • RNIB Guide for Employers

    Royal National Institute of the Blind (RNIB)

    We understand employers may have concerns about taking on someone with sight loss, or about an existing employee who is losing their sight. RNIB have recently published a new Guide for employers.

    The guide addresses common questions and sets out the benefits of employing a blind or partially sighted person. It covers everything an employer needs to know about employing someone with sight loss, from the recruitment and interview process, to making sure the right equipment is in place for the employee to be successful in carrying out their role, and progress their career.

    Keywords: UK employers, hiring concerns, benefits of employing workers with vision loss, accommodations, Access to Work, employment schemes, barriers to employment

  • Assistive Technology Trainer Guidelines and Procedures

    Texas Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services

    Offering service providers with training in DBS Assistive technology.

    Keywords: United States, online learning, training, assistive technology, information resource

  • NFB-Link

    National Federation of the Blind (NFB)

    Provides mentoring relationships for individuals who are blind or partially sighted. Offers guidance and resources on a variety of things, such as, career development, advice for families and friends, tips for seniors and living independently.

    Keywords: United States, mentor, support

  • National Association for Parents of Children with Visual Impairments (NAPVI)

    Organization enables parents to find information and resources for their children who are blind or partially sighted, including those with additional disabilities. It offers outreach programs, networking, emotional support, and information through workshops and publications. It also provides a referral service and is a strong advocate. It also runs FamilyConnect, an online multimedia community for parents.

    Keywords: United States, online learning, mentors, grants, parents, support

  • Careers and Community for Talented People with Disabilities


    US resource that connects job seekers with jobs, employers, advocacy organizations and service providers. Helping people build their careers, there are articles, forums, blogs and a social networking platform connects job seekers with each other and career mentors.

    Keywords: United States, employment counselling, training, labour market information

  • EARN: Employer Assistance and Resource Network

    With a database of over 2,000 job seekers, EARN helps employers recruit candidates with disabilities for internships and permanent employment, and offers information and training on the interview process, workplace accommodations, and disability etiquette. Its monthly newsletter profiles business success stories, employment statistics, and current events. Its focus is on the United States.

    Keywords: United States, webinars, workplace accommodation, interview preparation

  • AFB CareerConnect

    American Foundation for the Blind

    Hosts articles on job seeking skills, a database of mentors who are blind or partially sighted, and success stories. Job seekers can register to obtain further resources, including an online course on choosing and pursuing a career (Job Seeker's Toolkit), a résumé builder, message boards, and the chance to contact the mentors profiled on the site.

    Keywords: United States, job search skills, mentors, success stories, online learning, resume preparation

  • Accessible Colleges Online

    Guide for Students with Visual Disabilities and Online Education

    ​We created this guide to show how today's colleges and universities are improving their technology and resources to help students with visual disabilities earn degrees.  The new guide also provides a list of online technologies and literary resoruces that students with impairments can use on their own to get ahead.  Other key elements include:

    - A breakdown of technologies central to visually impaired learning.
    - College success tips for students with visual impairments.
    - A detailed look at accommodations colleges are making for fully and partially blind students.
    - A print screen option.
    - Full JAWS compatibility.

    Keywords: Education, international, self-help, training, online learning, assistive, technology

  • REDI Podcast - Chat with Gary Horton

    The podcast is a REDI Chat with Gary Horton, CEO of Vanward Consulting in Detroit, Michigan – an entrepreneur who is blind and runs an agency that provides employment readiness training and corporate internship placements for young people with visual impairments. He is interviewed by Larry Worth, SVP, Rangam, an international IT staffing firm.

    Keywords: United States, Podcast, Corporate Internship Programs

  • Online Colleges

    College Accessibility for Visually Impaired Students

    Online Colleges discusses how students with visual impairments can make the most of their college experience. It includes sections on ways to get more involved in school, a list of curated scholarships for students with visual impairments, and outlines the best assistive technologies for visually impaired students to use.

    Keywords: Education, United States, Long-Distance Learning, Scholarships, Information

  • ASO - Accredited Schools Online

    Helping Students with Visual Impairments

    ​Addressing each need of students with visual impairments and improving overall accessibility are vital to their academic success. This guide explains how colleges are creating more welcoming and inclusive learning environments, with a sharp focus on assistive technology, campus resources that provide assistive services and tools, information about scholarships for students with visual impairments, and online resources they can access to facilitate academic and career success.

    Keywords: Online learning Disability specific training Classroom training United States Adult education Online Resources

  • Thematic Study on Work and Employment of Persons with Disabilities

    United Nation’s Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

    Prepared by the United Nation’s Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, this thematic study provides detailed information related to persons with disabilities and the right to work. It outlines workplace policies on prohibiting discrimination, enabling effective access to guidance and training, promoting employment opportunities, ensuring reasonable accommodation, protecting the rights of persons with disabilities, and more.

    Keywords: international, advocacy, research, workplace accommodations, human rights, disabilities

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Information Sources

  • FamilyConnect

    American Foundation for the Blind

    A resource that offers tips for parents of children who are blind or partially sighted, including information on technology, education, and a toy guide. There are also message boards, blogs and videos.

    Keywords: international, video, online learning, training, parenting, toys, assistive, technology, education, blog, pre-school, elementary school

  • CNIB

    CNIB provides community-based support, education, advocacy for Canadians who are blind or partially sighted. CNIB offers a range of services, including personalized rehabilitation support—in one’s home, community or at a local CNIB office—as well as emotional and wellness support. As part of CNIB’s Employment Services program, employment counselors can help with career planning, job search, job retraining and workplace accommodations. Visit your province or territory’s section of the site to see what specific employment services are available in your community.

    In partnership with AFB, CNIB offers Career Connect Canada, a free resource that connects job seekers with mentors who also have vision loss.

    CNIB physical and online store provides assistive products that help with all aspects of daily life. The CNIB library offers books, magazines and newspapers in various accessible formats.

    A comprehensive mix of information, education, tools and resources, the website provides a dedicated section on Independent Living, offering tips and advice on how to keep enjoying everyday activities and stay safe doing so. The site helps people stay connected and informed through such resources as a blog, podcast and e-newsletter. It also educates readers on various eye conditions and offers an “ask the expert” section.

    Keywords: Canada, independent living, radio, podcast, online learning, library, workplace accommodations, employment services

  • CareerConnect

    American Foundation for the Blind (AFB)

    An employment information resource for job seekers who are blind or partially sighted offering employment information, career exploration tools and job seeking guidance for students, adults and service providers.

    Keywords: United States, directory, mentors, training, labour market information, Finding mentors, Job/self match, Interview preparation/ follow up, career advancement

  • Vision Aware

    American Foundation for the Blind and Reader’s Digest Partners for Sight

    An online resource providing free, practical, hands-on information to help promote independence and enhance quality of life for individuals who are blind or partially sighted, as well as their families, friends and service providers. Offers tips related to accessibility, living independently, employment and more.

    Keywords: international, training, online learning, career advancement, career preparation, workplace accommodations, interview preparation, interview follow-up

  • Careers in the Federal Public Service

    Public Service Commission of Canada

    Provides job postings for opportunities with the federal government. It also offers resources for those searching and preparing for jobs as well as links to intern/coop placements for students, the Federal Student Work Experience Program and post-secondary employment programs and opportunities.

    Keywords: Canada, job seekers, finding job leads, job search skills, career exploration, employment, federal student work experience program, job posting, available positions, internships, co-op positions, government jobs, high school, student jobs

  • Action for Blind People

    RNIB – Action for Blind People

    Offers a range of services, including: financial advice and housing support toward living independently; job search, building career skills and support for self-employment; social, sport and activity clubs for kids and emotional support and clinics for those recently diagnosed. They also provide technology training, support and advice, enabling people who are blind or partially sighted to become more independent and have better access to information, while parents have support groups to turn to. An ongoing blog offers personal first-hand accounts of people living with vision loss, the entries both inspiring and educational. The organization also runs a number of projects to help people who are blind or partially sighted, such as, the Concept Conference Centre—a social enterprise that trains and employs people who are blind or partially sighted to work in the kitchen and administration—and Supporting People which provides housing-related support.

    Keywords: UK, sports and recreation, mentors, labour market information, blog, training, self-employment support

  • Job Search Toolkit


    With the aim of helping job seekers who are blind or partially sighted develop a variety of skills to help them find work, the toolkit addresses things like confidence, body language and visual presentation. It offers fact, tips, worksheets and role play exercises as well as advice on how to find the right job. Titled “Job Search, the Real Story” and comprising five modules, the toolkit also covers issues related to service providers and employers, providing them with advice on how to effectively offer employees a successful work opportunity.

    Keywords: UK, training, career preparation, job seeking/ search skills, interview preparation/follow-up, career advancement, workplace accommodations, employer concerns

  • Service Canada

    Job site for Canadians looking for work in all areas. The website offers job tools, career planning, a resume builder, job bank, labour market research, as well as some specific services for people with disabilities, such as employment support. 

    Keywords: Canada, directory, training, grants

  • Persons with Disabilities Online

    Government of Canada

    Providing access to services and information for Canadians with disabilities, family members, caregivers, some of the topics covered include: accessibility, advocacy, assistive technology, employment, housing and health. The site also offers the Accessible Travel and Tourism Information Finder, so individuals can locate a variety of accessible Canadian travel and tourism information.

    Keywords: Canada, directory, training, accessible travel

  • WORKink

    Canadian Council on Rehabilitation and Work

    An online career development and employment portal for Canadians with disabilities, it provides job search tools, career guidance and resources related to education and employment. It also offers some free programs to help job seekers build up their skills and capacity. Workplace Essential Skills Partnership (WESP), is a four-week program, Partners for Workplace Inclusion Program (PWIP) enhances employability skills and Youth the Future is focused on carving successful education and career paths

    Keywords: Canada, education resources, employment resources, job search, training, education

  • RNIB Guide for Employers

    Royal National Institute of the Blind (RNIB)

    We understand employers may have concerns about taking on someone with sight loss, or about an existing employee who is losing their sight. RNIB have recently published a new Guide for employers.

    The guide addresses common questions and sets out the benefits of employing a blind or partially sighted person. It covers everything an employer needs to know about employing someone with sight loss, from the recruitment and interview process, to making sure the right equipment is in place for the employee to be successful in carrying out their role, and progress their career.

    Keywords: UK employers, hiring concerns, benefits of employing workers with vision loss, accommodations, Access to Work, employment schemes, barriers to employment

  • National Association for Parents of Children with Visual Impairments (NAPVI)

    Organization enables parents to find information and resources for their children who are blind or partially sighted, including those with additional disabilities. It offers outreach programs, networking, emotional support, and information through workshops and publications. It also provides a referral service and is a strong advocate. It also runs FamilyConnect, an online multimedia community for parents.

    Keywords: United States, online learning, mentors, grants, parents, support

  • Lighthouse International Publications

    A list of three publications designed to help people with vision loss by educating their families and support networks with supportive insights, coping strategies and information.

    Keywords: international, information resource, support, relatives

  • ASO - Accredited Schools Online

    Helping Students with Visual Impairments

    ​Addressing each need of students with visual impairments and improving overall accessibility are vital to their academic success. This guide explains how colleges are creating more welcoming and inclusive learning environments, with a sharp focus on assistive technology, campus resources that provide assistive services and tools, information about scholarships for students with visual impairments, and online resources they can access to facilitate academic and career success.

    Keywords: Online learning Disability specific training Classroom training United States Adult education Online Resources

  • Institut Nazareth et Louis-Braille (INLB)

    Through twelve rehabilitation centres, the Institut Nazareth offers residents of Montréal, Laval, and the Montérégie region (southwest Quebec) services including vision evaluations, daily life skills training, counseling, assistance with adaptive technology, and career support. Applicants must have their vision loss confirmed by an optometrist or ophthalmologist. The organization also hosts over 6,500 offline documents on vision loss and rehabilitation, along with an online database; several videos; and an online store.

    Keywords: Québec, online store, career counselling, workplace accommodations, disability specific, skills training, training

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  • The Hadley School for the Blind - Directory

    The largest educator of people who are blind or partially sighted around the world, serving more than 10,000 students annually in 50 states and 100 countries, Hadley’s directory offers a comprehensive list of useful websites such as dog guide schools, distance education, specialized schools employment, parenting and independent living.

    Keywords: international, independent living, parenting, guide-dogs, job seekers, employment, training, education, assistive technology, recreation, directory

  • American Foundation for the Blind (AFB) Directory

    Offering a large list of services in the US and Canada; you can also search via service or organizational name and you can narrow your search to specific Canadian provinces or American states. There are 325 listings under the heading “employment, job training”. 

    Keywords: directory, international, training, employment, sports and recreation, workplace accommodations, financial assistance, education, job seeking, career preparation

  • NAPVI – useful links

    Links by NAPVI— a national membership-based organization providing parents of children who are blind or partially sighted with information, resources, leadership, support and training. Links include schools in the U.S., parenting sites, health information and private and government organizations.

    Keywords: United States friends family relatives caregivers health parenting resources support training online education pre-School elementary School high School

  • Links/Resources Canadian Council of the Blind

    A host of links to various sites in Canada and across the globe. Categories include sports and recreation, employment, education and literacy, technology products and eye health resources.

    Keywords: international, directory, sports and recreation, disability specific skills, training, schools, employment, job seeking/search skills, finding job leads, interview preparation/follow-up, career advancement, health

  • Technology Center

    National Federation of the Blind

    Offers up-to-date lists of assistive technology with prices; technology magazines and tutorials; digital and eBook resources; and recommendations on user-friendly consumer electronics. Its Baltimore-based International Braille and Technology Center gives advice and training in person and by phone. The Access Technology Blog provides news, tips, and personal reflections on many types of assistive software and devices.

    Keywords: international, assistive technology, workplace accommodation, training, equipment

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Scholarships, Grants and Subsidies

  • Opportunities Fund for Persons with Disabilities

    Service Canada

    offers funding for local, regional, and national projects with the mission of helping people with disabilities prepare for, obtain and maintain employment or self-employment.

    Keywords: Canada, training, grants, employment, job search

  • Assistive Devices Program

    Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care

    Offers support and funding to Ontario residents who have long-term physical disabilities and provides access to personalized assistive devices, with the intention of increasing independence.

    Keywords: Ontario, accessibility, assistive technology, workplace accommodations

  • Youth Scholarship Program for Students with Disabilities

    Canadian Council on Rehabilitation and Work

    To assist students with disabilities in their pursuit for post-secondary education and training, eight scholarships, in the amount of $2,500 each, are available for the academic year. Applicants must be high school students entering a fulltime program at post-secondary institution and must be faced with a long-term disability that restricts their ability to participate in educational activities.

    Keywords: Canada, scholarships, education, post- secondary

  • Canada Pension Plan Disability Vocational Rehabilitation Program

    Service Canada

    Provides vocational counselling, financial support for training, and job search services to recipients of Canada Pension Plan Disability Benefits, with the aim of helping them return to work. Services include: one-on-one guidance, developing a return-to-work rehabilitation plan, improving skills, retraining and prepping for employment.

    Keywords: Canada, mentoring, career counselling, grants, training, career advancement, job maintenance

  • Scholarship Program

    Alliance for Equality of Blind Canadians

    Each year, AEBC awards a scholarship to a post-secondary student who is blind, deaf-blind, or partially sighted. Emphasis is placed on academic achievement, leadership, and the student’s perspective on accessible education.

    Keywords: Canada, education, scholarships

  • Funding Your Education

    American Foundation for the Blind

    Offering advice on how to find scholarships, grants and other funding sources for educational purposes. Also offers links to funding organizations across the United States.

    Keywords: United States,Scholarships,Grants,Education,High school,Post-secondary education,Apprenticeships,Internships,Disability specific skills training,Directory

  • Online Colleges

    College Accessibility for Visually Impaired Students

    Online Colleges discusses how students with visual impairments can make the most of their college experience. It includes sections on ways to get more involved in school, a list of curated scholarships for students with visual impairments, and outlines the best assistive technologies for visually impaired students to use.

    Keywords: Education, United States, Long-Distance Learning, Scholarships, Information

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Schools and Distance Learning

  • The Hadley School for the Blind

    The largest educator of people who are blind or partially sighted in the world, with students in all 50 states and 100 countries, Hadley offers distance education courses free of charge to individuals and their families and affordable tuition courses to service providers in the field. Hadley is also the largest educator of braille. Students must be blind or partially sighted and over 14 years of age, a relative, or a service professional working with people who are blind or partially sighted.

    Keywords: high school, post-secondary, free courses, distance education, online high school education, online continuing education, disability specific skills training, assistive technology

  • Perkins School for the Blind

    Offers a number of online resources for educators, including webinars, webcasts and a research library of more than 40,000 resource materials on blindness and deaf blindness. The Accessible Science section provides science activities that have been adapted for students who are blind or partially sighted. It also offers links to its training centre and some additional resources for professionals. The Perkins Training Center offers workshops and seminars and professionals can earn professional development and continuing education credits by watching Perkins webcasts. Perkins also writes and produces publications that serve as training guides for teachers, family members and caregivers. Its early literacy program helps parents teach early literacy skills to young children while the Assistive Device Centre gives important information on games and educational materials for children.​​

    Keywords: Online learning Pre-school Elementary school High school Disability specific training Classroom training Video Webinar Webcast United States Games Adult education

  • W. Ross Macdonald School

    A school for students who are blind, partially sighted or deafblind. It offers a residency program at its location in Brantford, Ontario and provides life skills training, music therapy and workshops for educators. Within the school you can also find a Resources Services Library which provides Braille and alternate print formats for students across Ontario.

    Keywords: Ontario, life skills, training, high school , elementary school, post- secondary students, education, vocational training, music therapy, braille library, residency program, orientation and mobility, communication skills

  • Forsythe Center for Employment and Entrepreneurship

    The Hadley School for the Blind’s Forsythe Center for Employment and Entrepreneurship (FCE) is a business and technology initiative designed to assist individuals who are blind or visually impaired in achieving their employment goals or starting or acquiring their own business. FCE courses are designed to improve students’ employability and to enhance business and technology skills for the workplace or self-employment. The FCE provides courses, modules and webinars on current computer and smart phone technology, as well as relevant accounting, legal, marketing, management and communications information specific to the needs and concerns of individuals who are blind or visually impaired. For more information or to enroll, visit www.hadley.edu/FCE or call Student Services at 800-526-9909.

    Keywords: entrepreneur training, self-employment, business skills

  • Statler Center

    The Statler Center offers job training and placement in two industries: Hospitality and Customer Care. The Hospitality Program is a ten week course with start dates in January, May, and September; the Customer Service program a seven week course with start dates in February, May and September. Both programs are offered through the Olmsted Center for Sight at 1170 Main Street, Buffalo, New York 14209. For informationconcerning tuition or other details, please contact the Statler Center or call 716-888-4526<

    Keywords: hospitality training, customer service training

  • AER – College and University Programs

    Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired

    ​Providing links to colleges and universities in the United States, Canada and other countries that offer courses in education and rehabilitation of people who are blind or partially sighted.

    Keywords: international, online learning, education, scholarships,continuing education, career advancement, advocacy

  • AFB CareerConnect

    American Foundation for the Blind

    Hosts articles on job seeking skills, a database of mentors who are blind or partially sighted, and success stories. Job seekers can register to obtain further resources, including an online course on choosing and pursuing a career (Job Seeker's Toolkit), a résumé builder, message boards, and the chance to contact the mentors profiled on the site.

    Keywords: United States, job search skills, mentors, success stories, online learning, resume preparation

  • Carroll Tech

    Carroll Center for the Blind

    Carroll Tech is a web-based distance learning service intended to assist people who are blind or partially sighted as well as to train education and rehabilitation professionals. Courses are primarily in access technologies such as screen readers, screen magnifiers, Braille embossers, note-takers and scanners.


    Keywords: international, online learning, training, videos, access technology, job maintenance, career advancement

  • Online Colleges

    College Accessibility for Visually Impaired Students

    Online Colleges discusses how students with visual impairments can make the most of their college experience. It includes sections on ways to get more involved in school, a list of curated scholarships for students with visual impairments, and outlines the best assistive technologies for visually impaired students to use.

    Keywords: Education, United States, Long-Distance Learning, Scholarships, Information

  • ASO - Accredited Schools Online

    Helping Students with Visual Impairments

    ​Addressing each need of students with visual impairments and improving overall accessibility are vital to their academic success. This guide explains how colleges are creating more welcoming and inclusive learning environments, with a sharp focus on assistive technology, campus resources that provide assistive services and tools, information about scholarships for students with visual impairments, and online resources they can access to facilitate academic and career success.

    Keywords: Online learning Disability specific training Classroom training United States Adult education Online Resources

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Reading Services

  • PAL

    PAL Reading Services

    A registered charity, PAL provides recorded reading material for elementary and post-secondary school students, individuals, agencies and businesses.


    Keywords: Audio Canada, Pre-school, Elementary school, High school, Post-secondary, Education, Training, Communication skills, Career advancement

  • CNIB Library

    Makes library services accessible to people across Canada who cannot read print because of a visual, physical or learning disability. Services, available in English and French, are free. You can receive books and other materials online through the CNIB Digital Library or by having them mailed directly to your home. Also, in some participating provinces, you can access the CNIB Library materials through your public library. Accessible formats include audio, Braille and e-text.

    Keywords: Canada, directory, online learning, education, career preparation, job exploration

  • Bookshare


    An online library of digital books for people with print disabilities, members download books, textbooks and newspapers in a compressed, encrypted file, then read the material using adaptive technology.

    Keywords: international, education, training, directory

  • Learning Ally

    A collection of more than 70,000 digitally recorded textbooks and literature titles, downloadable and accessible on mainstream as well as specialized assistive technology devices.

    Keywords: international, directory, online learning, education, books, high- school, post- secondary, career exploration, job preparation

  • NFB- Newsline

    National Federation of the Blind (NFB)

    Offering individuals who are blind or partially sighted the ability to hear the content of over 300 newspapers and magazine in various languages, whether over a phone line or via the web.

    Keywords: United States, online, audio, news, entertainment

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Job Postings

  • Careers in the Federal Public Service

    Public Service Commission of Canada

    Provides job postings for opportunities with the federal government. It also offers resources for those searching and preparing for jobs as well as links to intern/coop placements for students, the Federal Student Work Experience Program and post-secondary employment programs and opportunities.

    Keywords: Canada, job seekers, finding job leads, job search skills, career exploration, employment, federal student work experience program, job posting, available positions, internships, co-op positions, government jobs, high school, student jobs

  • Service Canada

    Job site for Canadians looking for work in all areas. The website offers job tools, career planning, a resume builder, job bank, labour market research, as well as some specific services for people with disabilities, such as employment support. 

    Keywords: Canada, directory, training, grants

  • JOIN, Job Opportunity Information Network

    A network of 22 community agencies in Toronto who assist Persons with Disabilities to find and maintain employment. They also assist employers in finding qualified candidates to meet their hiring needs. Offers mentoring events, job fairs with reputable employers, and employer conferences.​

    Keywords: Toronto, job seekers, employers, service providers, mentorship

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Multi Media Content

  • CareerConnect - Aaron’s Adventures in Employment

    American Foundation for the Blind

    ​A video-radio series that follows Aaron, a teenager, as he searches for a job, deals with less-informed co-workers and gets college-ready, all the while offering tips, advice and good humour.

    Keywords: international, employment, high school, video, audio, success stories, mentor, training, interview preparation, interview follow up, workplace accommodation, career advancement, college preparation

  • Video Clips on Blindness Tips

    Washington State School for the Blind

    A variety of videos and accompanying material offering tips on how to learn a range of life management skills.

    Keywords: international, videos, training, online learning, education, disability specific skills training

  • AFB YouTube channel

    American Foundation for the Blind

    Fifty-one videos on a range of topics including golfing, workplace accommodation, orientation & mobility, assistive technology and Helen Keller.

    Keywords: international, interview preparation/ follow-up, career advancement workplace accommodation, online learning, training, video

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  • JAN- Job Accommodation Network

    U.S. Department of Labor's Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP)

    A job accommodation resource, consultants offer guidance on workplace accommodations and disability employment issues for the benefit of employers and people with disabilities. Services for employers include consultation on the accommodation process and accommodation ideas. Individuals receive consults on job accommodation ideas, requesting and negotiating accommodations and their rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and related laws.

    Keywords: United States, employment counselling, training, work stations, equipment, workplace accommodation, consultation, podcast, job seekers

  • Regroupement des aveugles et amblyopes du Québec

    Le RAAQ

    An organization based in Quebec (with 12 regional associations) dedicated to helping individuals who are blind or partially sighted integrate, defend their rights and promote their interests. The site also offers information and definitions for educational purposes.

    Keywords: french language, Quebec, definitions, self-advocacy, integration, online learning, self-advocacy

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  • Employing and retaining a blind or partially sighted person: Guide for small and medium enterprises

    Royal National Institute of the Blind (RNIB)

    Keywords: UK employers, hiring concerns, benefits of employing workers with vision loss, accommodations, Access to Work, employment schemes, barriers to employment

  • Do the rules change…when you hire a person who is blind or visually impaired?

    Texas Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services (DARS)

    Keywords: Information for employers, hiring concerns, accommodations, workers who are blind or have low vision

  • RNIB’s Guide for Employment Professionals

    Royal National Institute of the Blind (RNIB)

    ​Blind or partially sighted people should not be excluded from employment - nor should sight loss equal job loss.

    If your profession involves supporting job seekers we can help you support these clients. We work with partners to deliver tailored employment solutions, and we have developed tools to help blind and partially sighted people find work.

    We can also support welfare to work providers and those whose role involve helping blind and partially sighted people into work.

    Keywords: employment, employment professionals, employment supports for individuals who are blind or partially sighted.

  • The Complete Guide to Making Websites Accessible

    Yoyo Design developed this in-depth online resource detailing website accessibility guidelines to improve the user experience of people with different disabilities.

    Keywords: Internet accessibility, online access, website access for people with visual impairments

  • RNIB Guide for Employers

    Royal National Institute of the Blind (RNIB)

    We understand employers may have concerns about taking on someone with sight loss, or about an existing employee who is losing their sight. RNIB have recently published a new Guide for employers.

    The guide addresses common questions and sets out the benefits of employing a blind or partially sighted person. It covers everything an employer needs to know about employing someone with sight loss, from the recruitment and interview process, to making sure the right equipment is in place for the employee to be successful in carrying out their role, and progress their career.

    Keywords: UK employers, hiring concerns, benefits of employing workers with vision loss, accommodations, Access to Work, employment schemes, barriers to employment

  • RNIB’s Employment Assessment Toolkit

    Royal National Institute of the Blind (RNIB)

    ​An employment assessment toolkit for professionals who work with blind and partially sighted people.

    Keywords: employability assessment, action plan, evaluate visually impaired individuals’ abilities and vocational experiences

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Hyperlinks to websites of interest

  • Fiscal Tigers

    Fiscal Tiger, a United States-based financial management firm, recently published an informative piece, Jobs and Careers Guide for People With Visual Impairments. The Guide includes information about legislation and accommodation requirements in the US, a listing of jobs considered ideal for blind and partially sighted people, and job search tips.

    Keywords: United States, Job Seekers, Visually Impaired, Statistics, workplace accomodation

  • Zippia Career Experts

    ​Zippia is a career exploration and job seeking website based in the United States. They have recently published a comprehensive workplace resource for the disabled community, which answers questions and concerns in terms of how to approach a professional working environment for a disabled employee.

    Keywords: United States, Job Seeking, Career Exploration, Disabilities, Employment Statistics

  • Be My Eyes

    ​Be My Eyes now creates private video support networks for work, school and other membership organizations, giving employees, students and members with vision impairments an added layer of security and support. Ask about Be My Eyes at your workplace!

    Keywords: United States, Job Support, Disabilities

  • REDI Podcast - Chat with Gary Horton

    The podcast is a REDI Chat with Gary Horton, CEO of Vanward Consulting in Detroit, Michigan – an entrepreneur who is blind and runs an agency that provides employment readiness training and corporate internship placements for young people with visual impairments. He is interviewed by Larry Worth, SVP, Rangam, an international IT staffing firm.

    Keywords: United States, Podcast, Corporate Internship Programs

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Tools for Workers with Visual Disabilities

  • NVDA (NonVisual Desktop Access)

    ​NVDA (NonVisual Desktop Access) is a screen reader for Microsoft Windows that is free, fully functional, and portable. It can be downloaded to a personal PC or to portable media such as a USB stick, which can be used with a school or work computer.

    Keywords: downloadable screen reader, portable screen reader, free screen reader

  • EyeSite

    EyeSite is a free tool for use with web browsers (Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Google Chrome) that enables visitors to rank the accessibility of websites for visitors who are blind or have low vision.

    Keywords: web browser tool, website accessibility for blind users, website accessibility for low vision users

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Links to Project Aspiro Content

Downloadable Documents

  • Career Education Competencies Checklist

    Word(standard print with checkboxes) and text-only files are available for parents or teachers to download and use to determine whether children with visual disabilities have the skills they need in career education by age level (preschool, primary, and secondary). The Career Education Competencies Checklists can also be used to monitor youngsters’ progress over time.

    Keywords: career education, career competencies for children, career competencies for teenagers, career competencies for young adults, career education assessment

  • Transition Competencies Checklist

    Word (standard print with checkboxes) and text-only files are available for students, parents or teachers to download and use to determine whether adolescents with visual disabilities have the skills they need to successfully transition from school into adult roles and responsibilities. The Transition Competencies Checklists can also be used to monitor young adults’ progress over time.

    Keywords: transition from school-to-work, transition competencies, transition skills, transition for students who are blind or have low vision, transition assessment

  • Strengths/Problems Checklist

    ​Word (standard print with checkboxes) and text-only files are available for job seekers (adults) to download and use to determine whether they have the skills they need to successfully enter employment and to identify areas where they may need additional training or assistance. Strengths/Problems Checklist can also be used to monitor job seekers’ progress over time.

    Keywords: employment skills, job readiness assessment, employability skills assessment, adults who are blind or have low vision

  • Pre-Employment Programme Trainer’s Guide introduction

    ​This document provides an introduction to the RNIB publication Pre-Employment Programme Trainer’s Guide (Wolffe, 2011). The Pre-Employment Programme (PEP) is a structured learning course designed to assist adults with visual disabilities in the areas of self-awareness, career exploration, job seeking skills, and job maintenance skills.

    Keywords: pre-employment training, employability skills training, preparation for work, introduction to employment skills training program

Printable Pages

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